Mystical Roots

thanks for stopping by
i hope that you feel welcome!
Sometimes it doesn't always seem so, but you have everything you need within yourself to create a wonderful and amazing life. It is your birthright, EVERYONE'S BIRTHRIGHT to feel JOY to experience LOVE, to have ABUNDANCE. In fact, anything that you want you can create for yourself.
If your not feeling empowered or particularly confident that this is so, just know that you have a universe of angels and masters and loved ones supporting you. Just because you may not see them, doesn't mean that they haven't been with you all of your life. In the good times and not so good. EVERYTHING, every hard lesson learned, every trauma, every joyful experience is in your life for a purpose. It's a GIFT, even if you haven't viewed it that way.
Everything is here to
bring you home
You can choose to do something that will open you up, and remove negativity, energy blocks, unwanted behaviors, and patterns. There are a lot of tools on this website that will support you so that you can free your spirit, body, and mind. These programs improve self-awareness, and interpersonal skills and raise your life force energy, so you can more easily move toward your goals and objectives.
the choice is yours.
You are creating your reality all of the time. Consciously, you may want a certain life, but unconsciously you are sabotaging your dreams. Leave any burdensome thoughts behind. Let go of the useless emotions of guilt and shame. Take responsibility for your life, so that when the great things come you are empowered. You can work on clearing those patterns of behavior that no longer serve you. Remove the unwanted outcomes and begin creating the life that you want.
the doors have always been open
just walk through
Release Your Inner Life Force
"At the center of your being
you have the answer; you know
who you are and you know what you want." Lao Tzu