Mystical Roots

Using essential oils
to balance each of the
7 chakras
please note: i am not an aromatherapist. these oils however have been created to promote balanced chakra functioning therefore i use them as an add-on to support and enhance your session. for a clearer understanding of the effect essential oils can have please read below.
How to Balance Your Chakras with Essential Oils by Aura Cacia.
"Chakra", the Sanskrit word for "wheel", refers to seven site specific concentrations of energy emanating from the body. Each of these Chakra centers is thought to govern its own expression of associated bodily, emotional and spiritual energy, but each is linked and in tune with all the others. When one or more of the chakras is over- or under-expressing its associated energy, it's thought to manifest as imbalance in the body, mind and spirit. When all of the chakras are balanced in their expression, the expression of physical, mental and spiritual well being is manifested.
The influence that aromatic plant essential oils have on the body, mind and spirit in the practice of aromatherapy can be adapted to promote balanced chakra functioning. The idea is to apply activating essential oils to energize sluggish chakra function or calming oils to quiet over-active ones. Balancing oils are good candidates for maintaining support of well-regulated chakras. A combination of both activating and calming oils will tend to have an overall balancing and supportive benefit to the chakras. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.
One of the following chakra oils can be used during your session based on what is needed most. Ask for an Aromatherapy add-on.